TechTower celebrated its 1st birthday

TechTower celebrated its first birthday on February 1. It is exactly 365 days since SIT Port moved into the former brewery premises, in addition to technology companies, startups and young budding entrepreneurs.

What can we say, it’s been quite a challenge and a ride. And it still is. From February 1 to the end of 2023, TechTower hosted over 87 events and was visited by more than ten thousand people. Oscar took a look inside the renovated building. The movie one. It was brought by Horst Burbull, German entrepreneur and inventor of the camera telescopic crane, for which he won this most valuable statuette. The biggest surprise for many people is that the telescopic crane, which was used, among other things, in the filming of Titanic, was built by a company in Pilsen.

In addition to the Innovate Pilsen festival, where you could meet Horst Burbuhl, TechTower also hosted hackathons, workshops, TOP Talks with business stars, Technica Futura, the esport finals of Legends of SIT Port, and many interesting events in cooperation with other organizations – e.g. Validation Camp with Start it @ČSOB.

To celebrate the anniversary of the Technology Park, we have prepared eight open days in February. Held every Tuesday and Thursday, tours are free. Register HERE.

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