KeepFresh dominated the Sturtupuj final

Startupuj, the programme in which we have been bringing apprenticeships to schools for six months, has reached its grand finale. It took place on Thursday 25 January in the big hall of the TechTower technology park. The best teams from the Sport and Business High School Pilsen, the Secondary School of Informatics and Financial Services Pilsen, the Secondary School of Transport Industry, and the Secondary School of Transportation appeared before the expert jury.

The road to the finals was definitely not a walk in the park. After six months of attending all the professional lectures, the teams presented their business plans. According to the mastery of the presentation, the realism of the project and the processing of all the acquired information, we selected the best of the best teams and awarded them the Gold Card. This was the ticket to the grand final.

Presenting in front of a class is definitely different than in front of a full room of people and a panel of experts. So each team was faced with the biggest challenge of all – conquering their own fears, the stress of presenting and showing everyone that their team deserved to win.

During the evening, we saw a community application for athletes, travelers, people who forever don’t know what to get someone for their birthday or Christmas. They also thought of projects to help drone owners or to simplify the storage of medical records, …

The best project was KeepFresh, an app that will stop you throwing away food unnecessarily. Its aim is to give you early warning of approaching expiry dates and suggest the best way to dispose of your food with simple recipes.

We are so happy with how many amazing people and projects we have met during the school term. And we look forward to seeing Startupuj in schools for years to come.

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